Saturday, March 09, 2024

Friday still life

Painted these without drawing first, which I think sometimes helps me paint more freely.
Below, one I drew first. The white hellebore was a challenge and it in no way conveys the elegant beauty of a hellebore.
I never had a hellebore in my yard before but now I have this one, given to me by friends who now winter in FL and so aren't home when it blooms.


RH Carpenter said...

Nice work on the daffodils and the hellebore (they come in a lot of colors in the community garden we have here but all are muted colors). I even like the vase the flowers are in. I have problems with yellows and getting shadows and darks without getting muddy colors.

laura said...

Thanks, Rhonda. Yes, shadows on yellow are a problem. I can never figure them out or get them dark enough