Saturday, January 29, 2022

drawing birds with john muir laws

Another class I took recently was a onetime session offered through the San Francisco Breeding Bird Observatory: John Muir Laws on how to draw a plover, a tern, and a white-capped sparrow. The session was free but they ask for a donation, and I think you'll agree if you watch the video that their work is most worthy of support! You can watch it on youtube:

Thursday, January 27, 2022

the upside of covid

... is all the Zoom classes one can take. And I have signed on to a crazy amount of classes. One would think I didn't have a job!
The class I'm currently falling behind on is an 8-week session, each week focusing on a different subject, with @blueshineart on iG.
This is a really great class: subjects I'd usually never tackle; media I don't usually use ... and a great group of students whose work is very inspiring.
AND the volume of work ... I did all of these in week 2!
I kinda totally missed week 3 due to work, but I'm looking forward to catching up.


A few little bird paintings : Carolina wrens, which are plentiful in my yard now, and a mockingbird, all of which have, I think gone south.

Thursday, January 20, 2022



A little painting of my little Arya sitting in a box.
There are boxes flung everywhere in my house for the enjoyment of cats.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

bird class

Three birds painted in SaltyWater Art's zoom class: western gull, pomarine jaeger, and least tern.
I enjoy Ronna's class; we often paint something I wouldn't have chosen on my own!