Saturday, June 29, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
girls of summer
On better paper this time ...
After I painted the girls' hair I thought of a show from when I was a kid, Petticoat Junction, that featured three sisters: Betty Jo, a redhead (brain); Billie Jo, a blonde (beauty); and Bobbie Jo, a brunette (bimbo). The show was pretty dumb, but I found it fascinating: I couldn't understand how three sisters could all have different colored hair.
So imagine these girls all diving into a huge watertank in Hooterville.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
finished brandywine light
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
lilies and trumpet vine
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
(stalled) wip
Another Brandywine Light painting, in progress. I used mask to save the railings, so I there's a little time pressure to finish if I want to be able to get the mask off. (I used a Masquepen, which allows you to draw fine lines with the mask.)
This is one of my favorite restaurants in Cape May, Gecko's. (If you go do not miss the pear-cornmeal cake.) The tree is really the show, though, and I'm afraid to paint trees ... I was building up washes of green (I should have varied the colors in each glaze more) but not being pleased with the results thought I'd try a few branches, and I'm more pleased with them.
I painted them with burnt sienna, violet, raw sie
nna and some ultramarine blue, trying to vary and mingle the colors as I went. I think I'll do more of them, then go back to the foliage.
Monday, June 17, 2013
first go ...
Looking through my reference photos to make a few smallish pictures to donate to a raffle next month to help out one of my high school English teachers who is very ill. He was just out of college when I was in HS, and for many years directed the school play ... being involved with which was the only entertainment here in the winters back then. I never tried out for a part; I painted scenery ... and thus had entree to the nightly parties.
I think I'll have to do these both over.
The one of the three girls on heavier paper: this is 90lb., which I thought would be okay because my idea was to "get it" in two washes. Next time, I think I'll give the middle girl a left arm! (She's probably holding her nose!)
The one of the two sunbathers (which is from Daily Paintworks challenges) doesn't feel lightstruck enough to me: next time I'll try leaving more white and maybe using hotter colors in the shadows.
Looking through my reference photos to make a few smallish pictures to donate to a raffle next month to help out one of my high school English teachers who is very ill. He was just out of college when I was in HS, and for many years directed the school play ... being involved with which was the only entertainment here in the winters back then. I never tried out for a part; I painted scenery ... and thus had entree to the nightly parties.
I think I'll have to do these both over.
The one of the three girls on heavier paper: this is 90lb., which I thought would be okay because my idea was to "get it" in two washes. Next time, I think I'll give the middle girl a left arm! (She's probably holding her nose!)
The one of the two sunbathers (which is from Daily Paintworks challenges) doesn't feel lightstruck enough to me: next time I'll try leaving more white and maybe using hotter colors in the shadows.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
brandywine light
I bought a set of Cheap Joe's soft-sided sketchbooks, thinking I'd devote each one to a different subject/experience: one for travels, one for boating, etc.
I promptly got some sort of oily stain on the cover of the one I'd designated for boating, so I glued some watercolor paper over it and painted this picture of the Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse, which I think is the prettiest lighthouse in the Delaware Bay.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
These are little (9x12-ish) studies from the workshop I took last week. They're about the ratio of paint to water (I always have too much water ... or maybe it's not enough paint?). For example, the treeline on the horizon was painted with thick paint, picking up the bead of water from the wetter-painted sky, so the paint dispersed a little, creating a look of distance.
Monday, June 10, 2013
rained in
Our plein air workshop got rained in on Friday. We painted impromptu still lifes in the Chalfonte Hotel's not-lit-for-painting dining room
Our teacher, Marie Natale, who would never let an all-day downpour stop her, or us, from painting, wanted us to focus on brushwork--put the brush down on the paper to its belly, smush it around--and on not fussing about details or correcting, or as she calls it, tickling; keeping it fresh and letting the paint do what it does.
Monday, June 03, 2013
cape may
Some photos and paintings from a two-day plein air workshop I took last June with my teacher Marie Natale.
I'll be joining her workshop again this year, June 6 and 7.
Sunday, June 02, 2013
trois mouettes
Grays are so beautiful. Why don't I mix them more often?
p.s. Alas, my lawn-mowing neighbor is not just being neighborly; he's a passive-aggressive busybody who mows the lawn to let me know he doesn't like how I keep my yard, and is always after me to cut down trees because he can't see to back out of his driveway. I avoid him. And do what I want.
Saturday, June 01, 2013
full stop

Another go at these two ... both unfinished: I just get to a point where I don't know what to do next. Which I am now taking as a signal to stop with these and move on!
Since I've come back to painting, and trying to get into a semi-daily practice again, I have not been able to achieve "flow"--that coveted state of doing without thinking, or without being aware of thinking is probably more accurate. That's when, for me, it happens!
I'll get there, but I'm not there yet.
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