Monday, October 21, 2024


This week in my interiors class we worked on using complements.
This painting of two of my cats, Gilly and Sansa, was painted using blue and orange. And a touch of yellow and pink.
And below a yellow and purple painting from a photo I took in a restaurant.
Hoping to get a red and green painting done, but that is the pair I have the most trouble with.

Sunday, October 20, 2024


Homework for my interiors class with Susan Greenstein.
Tried to keep it simple and painted fast.
And, below, a quick painting done in class, using cobalt blue and transparent orange. The drawing could be better.
And I cropped out the bookcases-- you didn't know they were bookcases, right?-- because they're not readable.
From where I was standing, I couldn't see the base of the shelves, but if I do this again, I'll be more careful to draw the"box" the books are in.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

oyster shells

.                             10x14
I scattered some oyster shells, a mix from NJ and ME, and drew them where they landed. A good strategy for me as I often feel that when I arrange things, they are too arranged.
And, below, a quick drawing in my sketchbook of a street in Nairn, Scotland.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Trying to get soft feathery edges painting wet in wet. Like the edge at the top of the mountain: amazingly difficult. Must have the right wetness on the paper and on the brush; the right amount of paint; the right timing. Maybe the weather matters.
Even if I practiced, and I will, and got better at it, could be possible, I have a feeling it's the kind of thing I'll never be able to replicate on demand; will always be a "happy accident."
Below are my first two attempts.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


.                               5x7
Classwork from Expressive Watercolor with Susan ONeill.
This week was about making notans, then altering them to get better compositions.
I wasn't able to manipulate the reference (maybe because I was trying to do it on my phone), but I did what I could.
.                              7x11
The last painting was based on a notan of a photo Susan took in upstate NY.
.                                7x11
And my palette.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


.                                 4x6
A couple of monochrome landscape studies.
I like doing these ... I can't get too detailed and I feel like doing them helps me with a problem I often have with landscapes: how to paint things you can't really discern. I'm increasing my comfort level with filling in space.

Monday, October 14, 2024

open studio

I participated in an open studio Sat and Sun. My friend Gina let me share her space.
While waiting for people to show up I drew some things I saw in Gina's garden.

Friday, October 11, 2024

new class: interiors

Started a new class today: interiors with Susan Greenstein. Just worked in my sketchbook today.
I have always enjoyed interiors and wanted to do them myself but I've had a difficult time finding compositions in my own space.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

carolyn's group

.                              14x20

A few years ago I met some people at an art studio and they invited me to join their still life group, which met weekly in an artist named Carolyn's basement. The basement was lined with shelves stuffed with things to put in still lifes. 
It was a great group in a lot of ways--the painters were all pretty ambitious, accomplished, and serious, and were wonderful critiquers; whenever I got stuck, one of them knew the answer. I painted these in that group and I don't think I would have ever done such crowded still lifes without their encouragement.
Before I'd been in the group a year, though, Carolyn passed away and, despite our intentions, the group broke apart.
Carolyn's children very kindly asked us all over one day and invited us to take a few things from her shelves, as a remembrance.
I took the blue vase on the left and the white vase on the right in the top painting, and the remnants below, which I still love.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


A landscape painted in class with SaltyWaterArt last night.

And below are the four sketches we did first; mine are 7x10 and presented in order, 1-4.
The idea was to get more abstract in each version. But as you see. I couldn't do it. 
I think the relentless horizontality of the subject stymied me. That's my excuse anyway.
Nonetheless, I think this is great way to proceed.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

studio tour

The annual Artists' Guild of the Cape (Cape May, NJ, that is) is this weekend.
This will be the 3rd year I participated, with my friend Gina Fullerton (Dirty Feet Art on Instagram).
It's two long days--10 am to 5 pm: a long time to meet and talk to people for a recluse like me. But the people are very nice ... and some of them do relieve me of this backlog of paintings.
I'm getting ready, last minute of course, and came across the winter scenes. 
I love winter scenes!

Monday, October 07, 2024

still life

Tried a still life today ...
And a couple of attempts at a squash, which seemed, before I really started looking at, trying to paint it, to be such a simple object!

Sunday, October 06, 2024


I brought back a few beautiful oyster shells from Maine. I pick up a lot on the beach here too but the ones I have from Maine seem to have more browns in them  
I need to spend a little time figuring out the colors; they're so subtle.

Friday, October 04, 2024

this morning

.                               14x17
Went out to a preserve this a.m., wanted to try to draw some trees.
Did the 3 above in charcoal and  watercolor on the 3rd.
Then I tried to paint the shadows cast on my paper, below ...
then some dried up leaves.

Monday, September 30, 2024


                              4x6 @
The assignment was to find a painting that you weren't happy with for whatever reason(s) but that you thought could be revisited.
I chose the 3 8x12 paintings, below, which I painted one day in a workshop with Alvaro Castenet in Cape May, pre-cov8d. He didn't have much to say about these ... but, for some reason, I kind of liked them.
I recently got a couple of small butcher trays to mix my color. I like using it and especially like what's leftover.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Portland head

Trying to do rocks without overdoing.