Friday, July 26, 2024

plein air

.                          10x10
Nice day today: coolish, breezy. Hurrah.
My friend Gina and had breakfast while we looked through a couple of Andrew Wyeth exhibit catalogs--one on abstractions and one on botanicals.
We both wanted to try to paint differently than we usually do ... I wanted to do more markaling and leave more white.
The subject was not easy: I tried to simplify but things kept catching my eye.
Plus we were painting in a nearby Fish and Wildlife preserve and when we got there, there was a bulldozer clearing a huge swath of land next to the path--many huge trees uprooted and stacked like dead bodies.
Everyone we talked to was as upset as we were. Word is they'll be building 40 houses there!
Why must they take down every tree!
My dad said: because it's cheaper.☹️ 

Here's my 10 minute painting. Not something to hand: a northern Vermont scene.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

10 minutes

Yesterday, and, below, today, a glass of sedum.
.                             10x12

Monday, July 22, 2024

10 minutes


As I kind of expected I would, I quickly fell off my intention to spend 10 minutes a day painting!
A geranium bloom and a block of hot press paper I want to finish off inspired this return to the practice on Saturday.
And here's Sunday's, which took exactly 10 minutes with no drawing:
.                               8x12
Trying to keep to Celia Blanco's practice of painting things that are to hand.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


A couple of small paintings done painting along with a pre-recorded Birgit O'Connor class on waves.

The top one ... I was surprised when I photographed it how intense the color was; I used a lot of thalo blue, which I don't often use, despite loving the color and transparency. I like the way it turned out though.
Did it again on hot press paper but it didn't turn out as well.
Below: a couple of photos from Friday's kayak. There were five ospreys on that nest when we were heading back to the dock! Successful parents!

Friday, July 19, 2024

plein air

.                             5x5
.                            5x5
It's been so hot we haven't done any plein air paintings ... Or biking, gardening, or kayaking!
But it was 70 degrees this morning so we finally got out for a couple hours!
Did a couple of small sketches to try to get in the swing ... Then one slightly larger.
Mostly was just great to get out and paint!

Monday, July 15, 2024


A local farm market had limelight hydrangeas on sale and, since they do pretty well in my yard and I had been meaning to replant a messy corner. I picked up three. Planted them today.
A few little bits snapped off and they looked so pretty I thought I'd try to paint them.
Painted this on hot press paper, with no drawing ... I tried to just work my way around.

Friday, July 12, 2024

more iona

.                               8x10

More Iona studies inspired by James Potter's YouTube video.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Another lesson from a Birgit O'Connor class, this one on loose landscapes.
It's fun to paint like this: I don't worry so much about the outcome and keep trying to react to what's on the paper.
As you see there's some problem in the middle of the sheet: failed sizing? Mold? Idk.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


I have a few lifetime-acess Birgit O'Connor classes that I haven't completed, so when I'm looking for something to paint. I pull up a lesson.
Brigit's classes are very well-produced and thorough.
This is from a class on painting wet and loose.
Didn't get wet enough, and next time bigger might be better.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024


8x10 sketches of Iona.
We didn't go to Iona when we were in Scotland this past spring, but watching James Potter's YouTube video on Iona has got us talking about another Scotland trip: Iona, Mull, the Small Isles, Glasgow. Maybe a ferry to Northern Ireland. It's fun to plan, dream.

Monday, July 08, 2024


I painted this photo before. This was actually my first attempt; I abandoned it, left the forward bird mostly unpainted, because I didn't like the way the nest was turning out.
Pulled it out and finished it.
The nest isn't what I pictured, but it doesn't bother me anymore.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

A painting I started last year and abandoned because I didn't know how to fill all the space! 
Thought it might be salvageable. Added the Prussian blue wash at the bottom; thought maybe more yellow.
Think the edges on the lemons are too uniformly hard. Will try to soften them ...

My folder of not-done paintings

Saturday, July 06, 2024


A couple of quick, smallish studies; trying to stay wet and focus on big shapes.
I've been inspired by the watercolors of Dave Gloman. I don't know how he does what he does but I think
* Understanding color,
* Seeing big shapes, and
* Wet washes and glazing
Are all at work.
I obviously have a way to go... But it is fun.

Friday, July 05, 2024



Another bird on a flowerpot, inspired by the class I took with Megan Swoyer where we painted an American goldfinch on a terra-cotta pot.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

too late

I started this back when my amaryllis was in bloom, in December.
Had left a couple of petals unpainted and decide to just try to finish it today. 
But I left it too long: the paper has become uncooperative. I don't know what happens; maybe the sizing deteriorates?

Thursday, June 27, 2024

10 minutes

This is a great idea that I'm borrowing from Celia Blanco. Look her up on Instagram!
I've been following Celia for idk how long! I love her subject matter--which tends to be the things around her in her life, and, since she lives in Rome, that's pretty good!--and her way of painting: strong and free.
She paints for 10 minutes every morning. 
I chose a Moleskine watercolor sketchbook, and started this morning.
Thanks, Celia!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Big heat wave here ... Which makes my upstairs, where I paint, intolerable. Heat also isn't my best mode. Not watercolor's either, I guess!
I just got a new brush: a Winsor & Newton synthetic mop, which is the one plein air painter James Potter uses. You can see his videos, free, on YouTube.
I made up this scene--but it's Scotland!--judt to drag the brush across the page. I like it: very soft for a synthetic.
Also got this one, but haven't tried it yet 
I have such a pile of paintings: the space between my flat file and the counter is jammed. The flat file is full too!
I always sell well at the two local shows I participate in in summer/ fall ... But it's not enough. It's really difficult to get the paintings in front of the people who'd be inclined to buy them!
The backlog is starting to feel oppressive.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

plein air

First plein air session of the summer, about 2 hours.
A little sketch to get me going; a view across a marsh that couldn't make work; and a sketch of a tree. 
I've been looking at a lot of Lois Dodd paintings, many of them of trees.
And some seagull shapes.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

sligachan, skye


This is one of the scenes James Potter painted on Skye... Check out his YouTube channel. I really enjoy it.
I'm dissatisfied with this but I'm not exactly sure why. I have a feeling the paper is too small for the subject?
Looking at Andrew Wyeth and John Marin watercolors I want to push myself to go bigger, 16x20 or 22x30 even.
Pretty scary but I should try.