Wednesday, June 02, 2021

plein air: townbank


More dune paintings. I could do one of these every day and never get the same result!


RH Carpenter said...

These are both gorgeous but there is something about the bottom one that really appeals to me - maybe it’s just not the usual pathway painting to the beach that does it. Love your style and light touch with the colors, and I could look at one of your beach/dune paintings every day. Do you do them plein air or take lots of photos and then go in and paint them?

laura said...

Thank you, Rhonda. These, and yesterday's, I painted sitting in my beach chair on site. I try to keep the on-location ones smaller and faster. Though I have been known to overwork them!

Jennifer Rose said...

great little beach scenes 😀 the added gulls add some nice movement to the top one 😀

laura said...

Thanks, Jennifer. It was low tide and there were many dozens of noisy and active laughing gulls. They added great atmosphere!