This is the kind of simple subject I find so appealing, and that the "daily painters" all do so well, but that I feel insecure about approaching.
So many times, when I see, especially, a bowl of limes (which I often do, as I favor mojitos and caipirinhas), I think I should paint it ... but then never do.
Today I decided to try to reverse that dynamic.
Seeing the Charles Demuth paintings at the Cezanne and Beyond show has me looking at such subjects.
I was too lazy yesterday, but here are couple of links to info on Demuth: at Handprint and the Demuth Museum.
Every online source shows hi "I Saw the Figure Five in Red and Gold," inspired by a William Carlos Williams poem, and his illustrations (he illustrated Henry James's story "The Beast in the Jungle"), but unfortunately it is not easy to find his watercolors of flowers and fruit, which are the ones I like the best.

looking good laura... guess we should all do these little simple things, as you call them.... if nothing else, to keep our brushes wet.. i think i'll go try some apples sitting on the counter.. thanks for the idea!!
You shouldn't feel insecure about these types of paintings - this is lovely and very well done :) Time for a mojito?
I love your bowl of limes!!
Looks great ~~
Laura, it doesn't matter what you paint, you do it so well. Its your use of colors that make it so that the simplests subject becomes art. Posted my coconuts that I did in '95. Also we have a similar passion for little watercolor boxes. (Bijou) etc. and I have to bite my fingers to keep from collecting antique watercolor supplies on e-bay.
Laura, you are a girl after my own heart...I like caipirinhas too. I have never met one other person who drinks them!
Did you know this is the national drink of Brazil?
Somewhere I saw a suggestion to try making one with tangerine.
Love your free and pretty.
I believe that you feel insecure, because you have become more critical with what you do.Look at all the way that you have crossed. Recapture this spirit!
Your paint is plenty of color and life!
The shadows are really lovely. Great loose style.
I like the deep blue (teal?) behind the white, gorgeous contrast.
Fresh and crisp... just like limes!
Lovely painting! I'm glad you were inspired by the Demuth paintings at the Cezanne show, as was I.
BTW I was inspired to play around with making grays by your previous post. I found that one of my favorites was burnt umber and french ultramarine. It has a very large value range and plenty of opportunities for warm/cool effects, plus some texture to boot.
So striking. LOVE this piece.
I love the subject, the composition, the colours and the free wet treatment - glad the Demuth paintings inspired you (I'm going to go look him up now!)
Wow, what fabulous work you have here - Everything i Love about Watercolor - and it means so much you commented on my little efforts :-)
Oh, that's beautiful, Laura! I love how juicy those washes are, and how subtle the blues are. Just lovely! I'm going to head to your links to see more of what you're describing.
I'll take one of those mojitos, too. YUM.
Aren't you glad you've overcome the resistance to paint little things that happen to be around. After a while you have a collection of delightful little paintings like this one! BTW, I've just fixed the link to your work in progress on my blog post from yesterday...
This is very good! I especially like your composition.
A very sparkly, lively painting!
Your limes are FAB! I love the way wet technique flows. Wonderful blooms!
Hi Laura,
You have something going for you that you should be proud of. You are unique. Your watercolours are beautiful and they are original. Isn't that wonderful? I could pick your work out I think in a crowd of watercolours, and yours would be the work I love.
This is lovely.
Take care,
I love the way your handle these 'simple" subjects as they sometimes seem so ordinary they blend into the background unless one takes the time to observe and bring out their essence.
So fresh, so inviting! Did you use pthalo blue or green in this?
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