Sunday, March 23, 2008

search for subjects, one

I always thought that if only I could look out my window and see palm trees or distant islands, or rooftops and alleyways, that I could be a great painter. I look out and see my neighbor's shed--and it's keeping me from greatness! (Actually, I have sympahty for neighbor, who is in the same bind: she looks out and sees me!) I am going to undertake to alter this mindset and set out to find "my" subject right here where I live. I'm not saying I'll paint all this--I would if I could, but time is limited; this is about devoting some little bit of time to looking around me for subjects, hopefully venturing further out and also developing my notion of what a subject is. Making paintings that please me can't be about going to the Caribbean or New Mexico or New Hampshire or wherever, because the painting isn't about those places, or shouldn't be, it has to be about the reactions and insight and abilities I can pull out myself. I'm feeling very Dorothyish: what I'm looking for is right here.
For this first day, I didn't go far, just to the dunes and beach near the Cape May-Lewes ferry. During the week, I'll see if can make something of one of these.
And next week, I want to go to Cape May Point and see if I can locate the Flora Dune.
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1 comment:

Don Gray said...

A great impulse, Laura--I'm with you on that. The subject is under our noses all along. And after all, the subject is really just an excuse to put paint down. Good paintings (and you have lots of them) transcend the subject.