Thursday, June 06, 2024

house sparrow


A couple of weeks ago I posted a painting I did in a class with Megan Swoyer of a goldfinch perched on a clay pot. I liked the painting so much I thought I'd try with other birds.

May try a catbird and maybe a wren, two birds that are plentiful here.


Anonymous said...


René PleinAir said...

A Mus, the call them here like the first part of mush-room.
Happy little birds and VERY common around here as well.

laura said...

Thank you!

laura said...

I love watching them. Very entertaining!

monne-floor said...

Nice bird

laura said...

Thank you!

RH Carpenter said...

Love it! And love that you’re going to do a little series of birds on pots - how cool!!!

laura said...

Thank you, Rhonda!