Friday, March 13, 2009

practice pages: flowers

I've succumbed to the flu the last few days and so haven't painted. But I did spend some time going through my piles of paintings and flat files, looking for recent paintings for my show in May.

From my flat file: a couple of pages of flower practice.

And one arrangement:

I hope to recover before the tulips I bought earlier in the week are past their peak.
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Anonymous said...

feel better!

Olive's Granddaughter said...

Love love love your flowers. Wish I could paint.

sandy said...

These are beautiful! Each and every one.

Bonny said...

For just being a sheet of practice flowers, they are delightful!! Beautiful and cheerful, vibrant colours.

Hope you feel better, soon!

RH Carpenter said...

Lovely, soft flowers. I liked the stargazer lilies from yesterday, too. Hope you recover quickly!

bubblemunch said...

Your blooms are beautiful.
Get well soon.

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Laura,

Sorry you were sick. Your practice pages are just wonderful. So


Cathy Gatland said...

Lovely fresh pages of flowers, Laura - I hope you feel much better very soon. Take care of yourself!

cathyswatercolors said...

Really great Laura,they are all so beautiful. Practice pages,I like the freedom in that.

RomanticRoses@DorisJoa said...

your flowers are very beautiful.

Sherry Pierce Thurner said...

Go away flu bug! Your flowers are so sweet and tender, they have to make you feel a little better.

Sharon said...

I hope you're feeling better, Laura. These studies are so pretty! (I never see muddy paint on your blog.) You do a wonderful job of keeping the colors fresh.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Wow, love these flowers. Especially the vase full. Sorry you've been sick sure a nasty bug.Hope your back to painting soon.

Art with Liz said...

Wish my actual ones came out the same way as your practice ones! Absolutely stunning. Get better soon.

Alvin Kevin Nanong said...

wow, practice?, really
love these, and the colors look so clean.

A Brush with Color said...

Oh, Laura, hope you're feeling better by now! These flowers are just beautiful! I really love how you painted the roses, especially--they're so difficult and these are delicious!

Judybec said...

These flower paintings are beautiful-- love those pink roses!! The Stargazers are amazing-- one of my favorite flowers!

hope you're feeling better soon.

Hillary Miller said...

I love the fresh immediacy of your watercolors!