Tuesday, March 25, 2025

nyc a.m.

Pulled out my big folder of unfinished paintings this weekend.
I started this one, painted from a photo I took one early morning on a visit to NYC, and, for some reason, stopped after painting the figures, and their dogs, on the left and in the middle.
I must have thought it wasn't going well, though now I think the figure on the left is quite good.
The one on the right is the worst! Messed up her face ... But I will lift and give it another go. Also need to add more darks to the underside of her hair.

1 comment:

RH Carpenter said...

Not too bad at all on that right figure - maybe take a bit off her nose? But love the shoes she’s wearing and think you can make this a good finished piece :). I have never tried figures like this and wouldn’t know how to start so good on you for getting back and finishing them - sometimes we just need some space from our work to see the value in it.