Friday, January 05, 2024



This month in Saltywaterart's class we' ll be painting barns. The appeal of barns, and covered bridges, for that matter, has never reached me. Unless they're painted by Wolf Kahn.
This was painted with a triad: aureolin, rose madder genuine, and cobalt. Plus sepia and sap green.
I wish I had kept more light on the front because I don't want to darken the side!
I do like the misty cloud on the left.


Billy Idyll said...

This is fantastic! You got such vibrancy and wide range of colors and values from a low strength triad. I love the flashes of violet blue shadow that contrast with the yellow-sienna color of the barn roof.

René PleinAir said...

OOooooooow WAUW!!!

I love this BIGTIME.
I hope you're see the beauty of the old barns now, cause it's a cultural heritage which might be gone before you know.

laura said...

You are right about that! There are a lot of beautiful, modest old beach homes, basically fishing shacks, where I live, and they are disappearing.
Thanks for the perspective!