Saturday, September 23, 2023

"of the January sun"


We have been looking at Charles Demuth in one of my art classes, and our assignment was to try his techniques.
I selected a photo I had taken in Lewes, DE, and cropped it down to just roofs.
When I did my drawing, below, I thought it needed something ...
Then looking through my Demuth books I saw his painting Trees and Barns, Bermuda (1917), which has all these barely-painted tree trunks appearing and disappearing.
I added a few trunks to my drawing but really could not get the speckled quality his trunks had; nor could I make the ends of my branches just fade away as he does!
The plan was to blot the washes, like Demuth does--but I discovered it was very hard (in fact I wasn't able to do it at all!) to achieve the effect he gets. My washes were too wet or too dry!
I wish I hadn't gotten so dark with some of my midtones and that I had left more white.
We'll see what my classmates say Tuesday!


René PleinAir said...

Superb !!

laura said...

Thank you, Rene!