I wanted to try the little girl again, and I wouldn't say this is finished, but I can see I've made the same decisions I made last time ... probably because I've felt stuck and unsure where to go with color choices. What is it they say about doing the same thing and expecting different reults? Uh-huh.
I do prefer the way the girl is back farther in the first attempt, and when I do it again, I'll put her back; also, I see that in my second drawing, I did not really capture what I liked so much about the first one, her contrapposto.
I had a teacher, Bonnie, who noted that often, when you redo a subject, you lose something, some energy, in the retelling: I think that's what happened here.
I've been spending a little time the last couple of days setting up a page for my paintings on FlickR. I've used up all the space they allow you for free, and will add more when I upgrade. I've been amazed, while I was doing this, at how really unorganized I am! I need a manager.
I admire you for trying to redo a subject. I find it never works for me. I like the first one you did. It's good to stretch oneself in trying to create the right hues for a painting. We can only learn from these exercises.
I know you have very high standards for your art - and it shows in your art work all the time. I think you're right in everything you said about this one - third time is the charm and think about pushing her back, getting that lean, and then drop in a variety of darks wet-in-wet into that shadow shape and you'll have it. There is something to like very much about both of these but if you aren't happy, I know you'll try again.
Hi Laura, I think the redo is good, I can see growth and change to the positive,and of course I'm a big fan of the colors.
I all to often get lost about midway through a painting. It can be very frustrating, I just sort of lose my direction.
I love it, Laura! It's luminous. Both of them are uniquely lovely. The washes you did on the dress here are so filmy--amazing! I totally get what you mean about doing the same subject more than once--I have tried a number of times to attack the same subject more than once, and I have such a hard time of it, and yet other people seem to do beautiful work when they try the same thing. You have 2 beauties out of your attempts! I'll have to watch your things going up on flickr! I agree--you have very high standards for your art. I look at your work and think it's all magical.
Un grand bravo pour toutes ces peintures pleine de transparence et tout en subtiles nuances, j'aime beaucoup !
A big congratulations to all these paintings and full transparency while subtle shades, i love a lot !
These are both lovely and sweet, Laura. Beautiful flowing colors. I'm with you on the redo...I can barely finish the one I started. That's why I am so sketchy, splashy and messy.
Give the Olympic sports a try. You do so well with figures. I just keep drawing (with a pencil) and erasing with my giant kneaded eraser (a must!).
Well I think we're both 'uh-huh' because I think your results are quite different, and I love both of them! I think I prefer the perfection of the second -- has anyone else noticed how nicely it goes with the self-portrait beside it? -- but it doesn't have the eventfullness of the first.
Hi Laura, You added me as a flickr contact & I was looking at your gorgeous paintings when I started to recognize them from your blog. I'm so glad you uploaded your work. You really are gifted! As far as this painting, there are qualities I like in both. I love the little girl's dress in the top painting. You really achieve a beautiful glow in your watercolors....and yes, you are very hard on yourself, as most of us are. I agree with Sue, magical!
Hi Laura,
This is lovely. I think you can do the same image as many times as you want to without losing anything. You haven't lost anything here. The eye sees differently each time, and besides everything changes, the light, the energy, the time.
I really hear you on the manager idea. Yes. I do too. Don't feel bad -- the artistic temperament is not always (read rarely) accompanied with order.
Take care,
Interesting to see the two side by side, Laura. I like some things in the new one better than the original, and vice versa. I like the facial expression and shoes better in the second rendering, the colors and things you mentioned in the first. Either way, I think both are beautiful!
Laura, I love your looseness and am amazed that you can achieve this on a small piece of paper. Although I really like both attempts of the little girl, I agree that every time I do a second attempt, something is just not right. Maybe only the artist can tell and the viewers don't notice in the second attempt?
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