Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little made-up Bay scene. I've lived by the Bay for 16 years, and still water and and dune grasses continue to be such challenging but happily appealing subjects.
This winter I signed up for a workshop across the Bay in Lewes, Delaware, with Judi Wagner, and it's only one week away now! My plein-air painter friend Shelby, who I met at a workshop in NM and who has a place in Lewes, will be taking the workshop too and very generously taking me in for the week! The Delaware shore, what I've seen of it, seems to have more untouched dunes than we in development-crazed NJ enjoy.

Some sunflowers from the market. I planted four varieties of sunflower seeds along my fence, where they do very good, if the squirrels don't get to them first. A big if. One year I had stalks over six feet tall with huge, heavy, seed-laden heads, which I cut and left out for the birds.
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Ruth said...

Both paintings make me very happy.

The class sounds great. What a luxury, to focus on that for a week. And it will provide us with lots to view here, I suspect (and hope).

Great idea to leave the sunflowers out. We do too, and I've taken photos of them in all states of undoing. They are wonderful subjects, aren't they?

laura said...

Thanks, Ruth. Yes, it's a luxury I can and can't afford! One of the many things I cannot deny myself, like aged cheddar or a second Manhattan, is the opportunity to paint in a new place, with a new teacher and new fellow students: it's always a great experience.
I think it was Van Gogh who did a painting of two huge dead or dying sunflower heads; a great painting.

William Evertson said...

Sunflowers are a sore subject here. Karen and I keep trying them - but some one always eats them in infancy! We've tried to protect them with little cages and such. ugggh Hope your class provides more inspiration. getting out of the studio does that. Can't wait to see the results. Thanks for the comments on my site concerning elder care. Although we seem to be talking about art - life intrudes in ways we can't imagine. Thanks for sharing. Best, Bill

Gwen Buchanan said...

Oh you are going to have a good time on your away workshop/vacation.. Lucky you! Yes I'll be happily waiting to see what you do, too.. No pressure!

The enlargement up of your sunflowers show so many beautiful over laverings of color.. I love them.. Thanks so much! safe trip!

Anonymous said...

Laura- thanks for your inspiring comment on my t-shirt design. I have been struggling with designing this collection for months while my web developer is patiently waiting for me to get him images for our e-commerce site Just when I am about to give up I get inspiration to keep going from complete strangers like yourself! Thank you!
I love your work. A good friend of mine is relatively new to painting and wants to start blogging. I will share your site with him and you can inspire someone else. A beautiful bonus to blogging.

Don said...

I smiled as I saw your sunflowers! I like how you let them feed the poor and hungry too! I see your work and it makes me want to give it a try. Ruth?

Robin@TheNatureCoast said...

Laura, the blog looks great and your syndicated feed is also working. The reader I use informed me this morning of your new post and the dunes and bay painting made me homesick - again! :)-- for the Cape. Paint well in DE, an adventure awaits. One thing you might also want to check out while there: as you leave the ferry terminal,just south I think is Cape Henelopen State Park There are several old WWII bunkers, just like the one in CM Point there, but all still completely underground! The park has some lovely trails as well, perfect for painting en plein air. Have fun!