Thursday, November 09, 2023


This week's painting in my class with Michele Clamp. The stripes on tabby cats are daunting, but Michele's methods--especially identifying values and softening egdes-- really helped.
I had some anxiety about "messing up," which is usually a self-fulfilling prophecy, so counterproductive, but sometimes I just get in its grip.

My Sansa and Arya, posing.


Candy said...

He's gorgeous. Your cats are gorgeous, too, Laura!

laura said...

Thank you, Candy!
Sansa and Arya are pretty cute! So are my other two: tortie Gilly and orange tabby Melo.😺

monne-floor said...

love it He's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Beautiful light and my eyes can feel the softness of the fur. Such stunning work Laura.

laura said...

Thank you, Lisa!