Sunday, October 29, 2023


I wasn't too happy with my first attempt at this still life, below, in Michele Clamp's class this week--I overworked it, lost the translucency.
So i tried again, above. Happy with the pitcher but wish the apples were better.

My biggest mistake with my first try was, when i got frustrated, i kept going. Not a good idea!
Wish I had stopped at the stage below.
Practice making simple, painterly spheres

Swatches for the still life

The color swatches made me think of Morandi, so I did these three little copies of his still lifes


Barbara Muir said...

Weird how critical we are of our work. I love both versions and wouldn't have
even noticed what you're talking about without your explanation.



laura said...

It's true: I guess we have one thing in mind and then get something else on the paper. Maybe the trick is being happy with whatever I get! 🙂
Thank you, Barbara