Wednesday, June 10, 2020

philadelphia ave.


Painted this from a photo I took last summer.
I like scenes with rooftops.
I got a lot of blooms in the foreground: it was an accident, but I like them; they kind of suggest the ripples or drifts you sometimes see in sand.


This is an abandoned building in a town up the road from me called Shellpile.
I always liked this scene, but I'm not sure it works as a painting. Too much "empty" space; maybe a dramatic sky?


Barbara Muir said...

Love these. I love rooftops too, and buildings set in a country scene.
You are a wonderful painter.


RH Carpenter said...

I, too, like the blossoms/blooms in the first painting which adds some texture to the foreground and love the second painting as is - it needs nothing else. It’s one of those paintings where you stop and look and it evokes something inside - perhaps because of all the open space? Both paintings are winners!