Monday, June 10, 2019

plein air: harbor lane


Above I cropped out the part of the painting that I didn't like (and so didn't finish): the red boat really got away from me ... made a couple of bad decisions, which is okay, especially when painting on location, where I never expect to come away with a painting I like; it's more about the experience, and hopefully finding a subject I might revisit.

 unfinished 8x11

I revisited this subject the very next day, on location again ... Still not entirely happy. 
Next time: 1) nothing on the horizon and 2) no black rigging! I initially liked the black rigging because I wouldn't have to do more negative painting, but it just looks flat and messy to me. Maybe a midtone gray next time.



Anonymous said...

You’ll not get a critical review from me, I think it’s beautiful lol, I love a red boat, I’ve painted our canoes and an old row boat, both red, it’s just such a beautiful colour on the water, they are two of my favourite paintings I’ve done lol,

laura said...

Thank you, Laurie. I have to agree: a red boat looks great on the water!