Thursday, December 26, 2024

a mix

My attempt to paint one of my white amaryllis... I see so many colors in it, but it doesn't read well.
And a couple of sketchbook pages.


RH Carpenter said...

Oh, I didn’t realize that was the shadow shape in the flower - saw it when I saw the shadow shape in the stem. Maybe a bit darker shadow needed to make it stand out more on top? Lovely, anyway. I am painting strange things now. Why not, it’s strange days, indeed, as John Lennon said.

laura said...

Ah yes. I see what you mean, Rhonda. Should be darker.

Most peculiar, mama!

Anonymous said...

love, love, love the geometry and bold leaves of the middle amaryllis, such rhythm in the brush work that it dominates the minor confusion in the shadow. Very pleasing!