Monday, July 08, 2024


I painted this photo before. This was actually my first attempt; I abandoned it, left the forward bird mostly unpainted, because I didn't like the way the nest was turning out.
Pulled it out and finished it.
The nest isn't what I pictured, but it doesn't bother me anymore.


RH Carpenter said...

I LOVE this!! I’m so glad you went back to it and finished it. Who cares what the nest looks like? It’s obviously a nest and the stars are the gorgeous ospreys and how you’ve placed them and painted them. Wow!

laura said...

Thank you. Rhonda. That's a good point: it's about the ospreys! A great reminder to not lose focus!

monne-floor said...

I LOVE this!

laura said...

Thank you! From a photo I took ... Pretty much just like the photo!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Powerful, I feel slightly nervous looking at it. Like I am a little mouse who is about to become dinner.

laura said...

Ha. Thank you Lisa. They are fierce looking birds!