Sunday, May 05, 2024

inverie harbor, knoydart, scotland

My friend Robin and I are finally on our long-planned trip to Scotland. We spent a couple of days in Inverness, then a couple days each in northern Skye, near Portree, and a couple in the south, in Armadale. Ferried back to Mallaig on the mainland a couple days ago.
Scotland is unbelievably beautiful! I have many photos and a handful of small plein air paintings. Painted these while waiting for the ferry in Knoydart.
Have been watching James Potter videos on YouTube to prepare; he paints in Skye often. Doesn't seem to have helped me though!
But these are small, I'm away from home, and I've had a head cold for the last week.
I have a few more paintings to post, and some scribbly drawings.
Unfinished painting of the Old Forge Pub, the remotest pub in mainland Scotland.


RH Carpenter said...

Oh, I think you aren’t doing these paintings justice - they are lovely little gems which will give you memories photos could not do - you will remember where you were, what the weather was like, what else happened then and there .

laura said...

Thank you, Rhonda. You're right about the memories!
Have been trying to keep a journal re weather, where and what we ate, the birds we've seen and the pubs we visited. I am now a fan of scotch whisky

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Wonderful job! You make sketching a new place look so easy....and I know how overwhelming it can be. Not something you have had a problem with at all.