Wednesday, October 26, 2022

value studies

Here are the value studies from the sketches I posted previously.
The one above I think worked out pretty well. I may move on to color.
In the ones below, the value study highlighted some difficulties.
In the first there isn't enough variation in the values; but I can make some decisions and add some midtones.
This last one has too much light value. It's also not such a good composition, I think.
Weirdly as I painted it I became more interested in the chair than I was in the people, which made me think I was on the wrong tack.


Lisa Le Quelenec said...

These are lovely, and the composition in the last one is perfect. I like the way the angles of the chair echo the legs of the sitter - both lead the eye around. The first has a similar dynamic.

laura said...

Thank you, Lisa. I hadn't even noticed that echo! Something to emphasize in the next iteration