It seems to happen every year: the magnolia, forsythia, and daffodils are all in bloom, but every day my painting time is reallocated to do some other unavoidable and necessary task or other ... making me more anxious watching petals fall from the magnolia!
These are lovely!
Are the magnolias out already. Wow it is a warm spring! Love your gorgeous daffodils.
XO Barbara
Your daffodils are beautiful!
You've captured these so well - the light and color are perfect! We, too, have blooms busting out all over. I should take a walk with a camera because they will be gone next week, I think.
Your watercolor is beautiful!
You should try to paint a magnolia. The other tasks need to wait.
Every year I try to make photos of the magnolia flowers, and I'm always too late. The flowers are perfect to paint in watercolors.
I feel the same anxiety watching the autumn colours coming out now! Beautiul studies Laura, and I've enjoyed catching up with posts I've missed - you prove again that watercolour rocks!
Laura, these are so beautifully and delicately painted!
I love your paintings of the daffodils, you have captured them so beautifully. Everything is suddenly growing , spent yesterday in my garden and saw a frog , bees and a ladybird..a day of sunshine too.
lovely and so free! love,Diana
beautiful daffodils laura...know that feeling .
very nice :D lovely colours
really love your daffodils--these are so filmy and lovely!
These daffodils are so beautiful and delicate!
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