Chickens and roosters are a popular subject among painters; I decided to give it a try. They are a good subject: not hard to draw, and interesting shape, and they come in a lot of colors!
The background color was inspired by Don's barn at A View from the Green Barn--which is also a great place for feathered inspiration.
Nice and loose, Laura. He's a grand old bird.
They sure are, my mother painted one on a bread board years ago for me. I also like the loose look here and the light is beautiful.
Very nice look. I think you are in your element, go for it!
I think chickens are just so cheeky, they appeal to us - how can something that looks like that be so proud? ha ha I like the loose look of this one - a bit of black for the eye and she's finished and ready to run around the barnyard :) It's so good to have you sharing your work with us again!
I love this Laura.. chicks are one of my favourite things..
This is fabulous, Laura! He's lit from within, I think! Marvelous, and so loose!
I like the colours you have used and the effect of the light too :0)
I love the colors, Laura. Very loose and lovely.
Glad to see you back in the blogosphere and painting again. Lovely loose and fresh watercolor.
Also loved the Valentine watercolor. You are so good at flowers.
yes, Laura chickens and roosters all over the place... I guess because their so colorful.. I've never tried one. yours is a beauty..
Ooh, beautiful bird and gorgeous background!
Great use of complementary colors, very nice.
I love this. The blues behind and through the bird's legs are beautiful.
Super work as usual.
Beautiful painting xx
I am so pleased to see you back again posting your paintings!
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