One of the many beautiful scenes I came upon while wandering around Stavanger, Norway, on Google Streetview for Bill Guffey's March
Virtual Paintout.
Below, I started painting before realizing that I had (impulsively, how else?) cut a piece out of the paper that was above this one without removing it from the block first!

Beautiful use of colour and wash. Nicely done Laura. Had to smile at your impulsive gaff!
These are wonderfully vibrant, Laura. Oh, no--I can't believe you cut into this painting--did you cut deeper into the next page as well? I don't think I've ever done that with the paper still attached to the block. Live and learn! Maybe, as you said, it will shrink back into place when it dries. Hope so!
What beautiful color! Your watercolors are always look so effortless and immediate - wonderful.
Oh no! Your washes are so juicy! Beautiful paintings!
These are both beautiful, cuts and all. Such wonderful vibrant colors! I love the mountains and the sky in the top one. Did you paint the sky wet-in-wet? I have yet to figure out how to do that in my adventures in the world of watercolor.
the paintings are beautiful...
good use of watercolor technique...
good composition...
keep going...
Wow! Love those colors! I think they use a better camera in Norway for the shots the little yellow man takes. Awesome scenery wherever you land. Looking forward to watching you paint Christmas Cove again. 12 days . . .
Gosh, Laura. I just love your watercolors. Each one is more beautiful than the last!
Cara Laura, usi dei colori che si distinguono particolarmente. Mi piacciono molto, la tua tavolozza contiene una vivacità e un cromatismo che danno ai soggetti una dimensione quasi magica. Ciao. Luigi.
Such beautiful Norway paintings Laura, I have half a dozen streetviews I'd like to paint there, but no time - hope to get to it before VP moves on. Frame your cut painting as if you meant it - it's lovely!
Uh oh! A little unplanned cropping, I see. There is something so fresh and wonderful about the colors you choose for your paintings. You really enlivened the scene with your color choices.
I always click on your paintings to get closer to your brushstrokes and see how effortlessly you make it look! Love both of these - and your mistake was our benefit because we then got to see two landscapes from you :) I agree with Jeanette - make this work for you as if you intended it = a new direction!
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