Sunday, June 23, 2019

plein air: poverty beach


A little early morning plein air painting with my friends Diane and Karoline; the three of us will be exhibiting our plein air paintings in mid-August.
We went to Poverty Beach, at the northern end of Cape May, a beach with lovely dunes and rough surf!
Diane and Karoline has both just gotten back from painting trips, to France and Tilghman Island, respectively, so we had a lot to talk about ... and also managed to get in a good hour or so of painting.
Once again my main shrub, a bayberry that had a wonky northward-leaning shape, came out looking like a Christmas tree. Really need to pay more attention!


Anonymous said...

It’s lovely and a beautiful beach scene, exciting conversations I can only imagine.,

RH Carpenter said...

It is a lovely beach scene but I did wonder about that tree :). Maybe you were too distracted by all the talking about other places? And it’s funny how we do something and don’t see it until later when we say, “Where did that come from?”. You are doing well with your shadow shapes and getting the beach scenes really cohesive and interesting. One Christmas tree does not a failure make!

laura said...

Thank you, Laurie and Rhonda.

It's so true, Rhonda, when you step back sometimes you are in for a surprise … another reason I have to get used to painting at an easel!
For me it is, I think, really a matter of not letting my mind go on automatic; have to try to stay engaged and make decisions, not just blunder on!
I'll do this scene again.

Debbie Nolan said...

This looks like a great spot to paint. You did such a lovely job too.