Monday, April 29, 2013

prima fiore

My first try at daffodils this spring. I have a few different kinds ... Right now very delicate, small two-bloomed white daffodils are in bloom. Most of the big yellow ones are done.
I think I paint daffodils better when I don't draw them first; having the drawing makes me want to be "accurate"; not drawing may free me from that, as in the forsythias.

A few sprigs of forsythia, always fun to do.
BTW: I don't want you to think I'm being so productive ... The paintings I have been and will be posting this week were all done over the course of the previous two weeks or so. I'll be running out in a few days!
 A cup I bought at a thrift shop thinking it'd be good in still lifes. Haven't painted it yet!
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RH Carpenter said...

You do daffodils and lilies so well and these are wonderful reminders of the first blooms of spring. So glad you are back painting - doesn't look like you lost your chops at all while away!

Barbara Muir said...

How beautiful. I love these. I do think that you're very productive and I am impressed. How gorgeous your work is. It makes me happy.

XO Barbara


love the forsythia laura.... and the crisp daffodils.