Nice day today: coolish, breezy. Hurrah.
My friend Gina and had breakfast while we looked through a couple of Andrew Wyeth exhibit catalogs--one on abstractions and one on botanicals.
We both wanted to try to paint differently than we usually do ... I wanted to do more mark making and leave more white.
The subject was not easy: I tried to simplify but things kept catching my eye.
Plus we were painting in a nearby Fish and Wildlife preserve and when we got there, there was a bulldozer clearing a huge swath of land next to the path--many huge trees uprooted and stacked like dead bodies.
Everyone we talked to was as upset as we were. Word is they'll be building 40 houses there!
Why must they take down every tree!
My dad said: because it's cheaper.☹️
Here's my 10 minute painting. Not something to hand: a northern Vermont scene.