Friday, May 31, 2024



Cove at Inverie, painted from a photo my friend Robin took. We' re going to try to egg each other on to paint our Scotland photos.
This one needs something ... I can think of several things to do but the main one-- not divide the picture into equal thirds-- requires new start, so I'll try again.
Below: started a color journal to chronicle my color mixes. Hoping to make--and preserve-- some great discoveries.

Got some news here in the States last night: DJT guilty on all 34 counts of fraud and election interference. The first president convicted of a crime.
It's been a hard eight years for Americans who believe in the founding ideals, in the rule of law, in citizenship and decency and who despise misogyny and bigotry and thuggery and special treatment for the rich. The relief I felt when I heard the verdict made me realize how emotionally and psychologically damaging the hate and venality have been. Now we'll endure the spin from Trump and his minions.
But he is a convicted felon.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

black and white warbler

Painted this from a reference photo provided by SaltyWaterArt. I missed class this week and haven't had a chance to watch the video but last night I wanted to paint a little.
I used more dry brush than I usually do-- not intentionally! It just happened! But I like the effect.
Last week I got a couple of decent photos of a prothonotary warbler. Hoping to paint him soon.

Monday, May 27, 2024


Top: a view along the Delaware bay.
Bottom:  the last page spread in my Scotland sketchbook.

Sunday, May 26, 2024



I planted three peonies several years ago and maybe got one closer from each, so I moved them. Got no flowers last year. This year looks like I'll get about 8, which is a real bonanza and gives me hope for next year.
I've always shied away from painting flowers with volume, like peonies or roses; I preferred bell-shaped flowers.
But I can't let these peonies go by!
I've been watching Jo MacKenzie's YouTube videos on painting peonies-- she has several. I like everything Jo does--and she really helped me figure out how to paint a pine cone--and peonies are gorgeous!
I didn't draw these first and think I will next time.
Another flower, I don't know what it's called,  in my sketchbook.

Saturday, May 25, 2024


Filling the last few pages of my wee Scotland notebook with drawings of birds I saw there. One more spread to go.

Friday, May 24, 2024


Painted these American goldfinches--the NJ stare bird--in a class with Megan Swoyer. My paintings are tighter and less whimsical than Megan's--though I am trying! I enjoy painting with Megan: always fun and relaxing and takes me out of my usual modus operandi a bit.
.                               7x11
Started the magnolia painting below in a class of Megan's too.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


some pages from my little, 3x4", plein air sketchbook: FL, MD, and NJ

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Before my friend and traveling companion Robin headed home, we went down to the bay to walk and sketch a bit.
Trying to fill the last few pages in my tiny Scotland note- and sketchbook.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I have never been much of a sketchbook keeper, despite my intentions, until the last year or two. Two classes I have taken got me going: an online art history class where I used my sketchbook for notes and Susan Abbott's online travel sketchbook class which really freed me up. (And which I look forward to taking again.) Now I approach my sketchbook without any of the fear of expectations that I usually approach a painting with--and it's fantastic!
Yesterday afternoon I swatched my watercolor pencils, then took a bike ride and did these thumbnails leaning on my bike. Not earth shattering, but it's something on a day when I otherwise would have done nothing.
In the evening I leafed through this sketchbook, which is the one I took to Susan Abbott's workshop in Vermont last fall. Some not bad sketches, good notes, and great memories.


Three small, about 1/8 sheet, Scotland paintings I've done this past week.
Top: Point of Sleat beach. A 4.5km hike gets you to the southernmost point of Skye, and a gorgeous beach with crystal clear turquoise water. Was really wishing I had my suit. Or could strip naked as all the little kids did.
Above: A big old house on the shore at Knoydart. From our first day, in Inverness, I was taken with the chimney pots. Lots of chimney pot painting to come!
Below: Another beautiful Scottish beach outside Mallaig, Camusdarach Beach. There were some tall rocky hills/ cliffs, from which to get great photos. Also wildflowers and limpet shells galore. And a field with sheep and lambs nearby.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


A drift of snow buntings, painted in SaltyWaterArt's class.
My buntings are a bit too large (and clunky) but I really do want to try this one again.
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Yellow-rumped warbler: lots of these in my yard in migration season, especially in the fall. Messed up on the beak ... Will probably try again!