These quick sketches were the result of a fun and enlightening exercise Marie gave us in the Monday Ocean City class. Working from a photo, we did four small paintings

of the same scene, each using a different color scheme. Clockwise from upper left, they are: monochromatic, complementary, analogous, and split complementary. Anyone's who's painted with me will not be surprised that the primary color I chose to organize the exercise around was blue/blue-violet.
I enjoy doing thsee exercises, being forced to make choices I wouldn't ordinarily make (well, except for the blue-violet). Exercises help break patterns and habits and, I always hope, will force me to some kind of break, or breakthrough ... Michael Crespo's book,
Watercolor Class, is, I think probably the best if you're looking for ideas for exercises to do on your own; his book is also amply and wonderfully illustrated with student work, which is unusual for art instruction books. His students' work is so good it's inspiring.
Thanks Robin for adding a link to my on your blog. I'd like to return the favor, but I'm technologically challenged, as you know. So instead I'll take the old-fashioned, outmoded route of simply asking anyone who's reading this to check out for great photos of Chicagoland and eclectic and stimulating commentary from a smart and funny Chicagoan by way of Key West by way of New Brunswick and Cape May! Where will she go next?! Oh yeah, Wisconsin!