Friday, May 31, 2024



Cove at Inverie, painted from a photo my friend Robin took. We' re going to try to egg each other on to paint our Scotland photos.
This one needs something ... I can think of several things to do but the main one-- not divide the picture into equal thirds-- requires new start, so I'll try again.
Below: started a color journal to chronicle my color mixes. Hoping to make--and preserve-- some great discoveries.

Got some news here in the States last night: DJT guilty on all 34 counts of fraud and election interference. The first president convicted of a crime.
It's been a hard eight years for Americans who believe in the founding ideals, in the rule of law, in citizenship and decency and who despise misogyny and bigotry and thuggery and special treatment for the rich. The relief I felt when I heard the verdict made me realize how emotionally and psychologically damaging the hate and venality have been. Now we'll endure the spin from Trump and his minions.
But he is a convicted felon.


  1. Laura am looking so forward to viewing your journal and seeing your paintings of Scotland. It must be such a lovely place to visit. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Thank you, Debbie. The Highlands were indeed very beautiful!

  3. This trip to Scotland has caused a big leap in your painting - the colors are delicious (those skies!! Wow!). Really looking forward to many more.
    Yes, Guilty on all 34 counts by a jury his attorneys and he had a hand in choosing and now he is banging the psycho-drum and pulling his poor me act. I really fear for this country if he gets in again and cannot understand those who will vote for him no matter what because Biden is old and stutters at times. Biden is 81, Trump is 78. Biden is sane, Trump is not.

  4. Thank you, Rhonda. I was really awed by the beauty of the Highlands, as I suspected I would be!
    I am so tired of DJT's whining! He will really say anything--and there are people who believe him, which is just so disheartening. DJT knows, and cares, nothing for our laws and he is literally endangering people's lives. I hope someday soon he will cease to be relevant.
    Yes, Joe is old-- but not a felon! 🙂Not a bigot or a misogynist. Not ignorant or disdainful of our laws and norms. Not in mental decline. And though he somehow gets no credit, has been doing a good job. (Though I would like to see food prices come down. That is really going to hurt him, imo. But I lay that at corporate greed!)
    All the people who want someone younger than Joe-- and I am all for younger generations taking over; we have a lot of promising people--should have started working on that about two years ago! Too late now: Biden is the guy. And personally I am good with that?🙂
    This endeth my diatribe!


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