Saturday, June 01, 2024



Another Scottish scene. I had a scrap of paper and just started in on this ... Funny that it's one of my favorites so far.
Thought I had published this previous version, but maybe not, so ...
Below: Sitting at my table. Just started drawing this ... Began with the small blossom on the upper left. Then just kept assessing and adding. A really enjoyable way to draw.


  1. Very nice paintings of the scene - one more detailed and other more loose and free but both really very nice. And the drawing - did you have a model or did you just do this from imagination?

  2. Thanks, Rhonda. I have a bag that has a sketchbook, colored pencils, pens, and watercolors on it that I can grab and take with me on a bike ride. It was hanging on a dining room chair and a lot of geraniums was on the table, so I pulled out the pencils and spent 10 or 15 minutes on this.


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