Thursday, May 30, 2024

black and white warbler

Painted this from a reference photo provided by SaltyWaterArt. I missed class this week and haven't had a chance to watch the video but last night I wanted to paint a little.
I used more dry brush than I usually do-- not intentionally! It just happened! But I like the effect.
Last week I got a couple of decent photos of a prothonotary warbler. Hoping to paint him soon.


  1. I like the dry brush work and the granulating black (Lunar Black?). Sounds like you are very busy.

  2. Thank you, Rhonda. It's ivory black. Probably a little neutral tint in there too--they're next to each other on my palette

  3. Beautiful birds both! I think I would be intimidated by the intensity of that golden yellow so I am very interested to see how you approach it. I definitely need to be braver with colour.


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