Tuesday, September 17, 2024

last day in Maine

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.                            9x11
On our last day we took a ferry from Bar Harbor to the wonderfully named Winter Harbor on the Schoodic Peninsula, and, once there, the free bus to rocky Schoodic Point, where we perched on some flat rocks and painted.
We had an hour before the ferry came and spent it drinking beer at the Pickled Wrinkle.
Then back to Southwest Harbor for a final lobster!


RH Carpenter said...

I like all of these, including the loose sketches, but those top 2 paintings are perfect - it just hit me why your landscapes/seascapes are so visually interesting = you leave a lot of white/untouched paper to lead our eyes into the scene! I know I should try that but leaving white is really my nemesis!!

laura said...

Thank you, Rhonda! That's so funny: I always feel I never leave enough white!