Monday, December 06, 2021



... hopefully we'll get some this year. I think it's beautiful and I love the dampening effect it has on reality: everything gets so quiet.

Took a few photos last time we had significant snow here--two winters ago? maybe three! The photos actually don't look like much: all very gray and without strong contrasts. But that gives me a chance to work on my grays.


  1. I’ll send you any snow that comes my way! ha ha. I love the paintings and that first one sings due to the darks, I think. But, yes, snowy days can just be cloudy and grey and blah!

  2. Thanks, Rhonda. Really can't you Midwesterners for having mixed feelings about snow! I, on the other hand, get so little of it, that I can enjoy it!

  3. no snow here at the moment which is a shame since its fun to paint 😀


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