Sunday, December 26, 2021


Mockingbird painted with Ronna Fujisawa, whose Zoom classes I am really enjoying.
The feet need some work.

And, below, a mockingbird I painted on my own. I really messed up the placement of the legs; tried to "fix" it and messed it up again.


  1. Lovely lightness in the first mockingbird but I feel you pain with the legs - I have ruined so many bird sketches and paintings by adding in the legs in the wrong place or too thin or too thick! Have you checked out John Muir Laws - he really gets into the anatomy of the birds so you learn how they should be placed (of course, I still mess up at times). I always remember his words about body size though = big bird, little head + little bird, big head :). As many times as I’ve painted crows, I still sometimes get the beaks wrong.

    1. Those details--beaks, legs--can really ruin everything if you get them wrong.
      I like that "little bird, big head"! Maybe that will help me with chickadees.
      I do have a J.M. Laws book on drawing birds and was just thinking I really need to review it!


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