Tuesday, August 13, 2013

chalfonte again

The same scene/view; sketched on location, but painted in the relative comfort (the chair was definitely more comfortable) of home, without the time pressure.
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  1. Gorgeous composition and color combinations. I also like the plein air version.

  2. I'm glad you went back to this one - the light makes it so beautiful!

  3. I like them both.. your colors are so fresh! love,Diana

  4. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I so admire anyone who can paint buildings as well as you do. Not my forte at all. If you get one aspect of the perspective wrong, it throws out everything, and you did a perfect job. Your colors are also always so fresh looking.

  5. It really is a beautiful painting! I think it's good that you have two versions, both of them will be attractive to people who see them and want them!

  6. So beautiful. I love both versions.

    XOXO Barbara

  7. I love this one!! :) Hugs


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