Thursday, August 04, 2011


I painted this from a reference photo at Paint My Photo where this photo by James Swanson is posted. Paint My Photo, unlike some other "reference photo" sites, really has photos you want to paint!
I'd prefer to use my own photos, but I have to get out there and get some good ones!
In my haste to post this, I see I've forgotten to put in some little details--like the captain's belt!

Robyn asked me in her comment to name my favorite watercolor books. I have had so many, but the ones I look back to whenever need inspiration are Jeanne Dobie's Making Color Sing for color mixing; Janet Walsh, Watercolor Made Easy,  and Gail Speckmann, Wet-in-Wet Watercolor,  for technique; and any book by Charles Reid or Lucy Willis for something to aspire to.
And see the fabulous and erudite Katherine Thomas's post on art books at Making a Mark.
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  1. Vibrant, it's lovely Laura, thanks too for sharing about your fav. books.. take care, Diana

  2. Great red colors here, Laura! Love it. And lots of good books you list, too! I always enjoy your boat paintings.

  3. lovely and vibrant reflections..the red has been handled beautifully!

  4. This is stunning, Laura, really! I can't believe how well you have the body position painted. Amazing to my eyes...

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hi Laura. Stumbled to your blog by accident but have really enjoyed looking at your work. Congratulations on a wonderful blog

  6. Love the painting. Thanks for the tip about Paint My Photo, it's now in my favorites.

  7. Whew! That is one hot tamale red! Love the reflections, too - enlarged it and clicked it again so I could really see those varied shapes :)

  8. Wonderful use of Colours! It's fabulous!

  9. love your clear and bright colors in this!!!

  10. Hi Laura, just going through ur blog. Amazing paintings!!!

  11. I would also be attracted to such a nice image with lots of red, Laura! And you gave your own style and interpretation to the painting!Super painting!

  12. Love this, the paint is just floating across the paper, colors in the water make it dynamic and as someone else pointed out, the captain's body position is jsut so exactly right. Bravo! Robin

  13. Love the red…red is such a strong statement colour.

  14. Love this painting.

    XO Barbara

  15. The red is fantastic. and I'm not a big fan of red. but this says something !!!
    Jeanne Dobie, Janet Walsh, both books are great.. now if I could only get there !!! lol ! BJ

  16. Wonderful
    thank you for sharing


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