Saturday, July 30, 2011


From a reference photo at the Painting Loft; I zoomed in on the bumpers.
I finally opened up a block of Kilimanjaro paper I've had for awhile and tried it out. It's okay, but, for some reason, I think it responds better is you use a lot of pigment ... I think I could have painted this more lightly, transparently, if I were using my favorite, Fabriano, but I could be wrong--maybe it's just the heat and humidity!
I used a triad of bright violet (Holbein), new gamboge, and ultramarine. Added a bit of azo orange too, which mixed nicely with the bright violet.

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  1. Beautiful... I love how you did this...

  2. Nicely done, Laura. Love the tall format too.

  3. I love the close-up image--really nice, Laura! Great colors, too. I have a block of Kilimanjaro paper, and have yet to use it. The stuff I have seems awfully smooth surface--I wondered how it will handle. I'll have to try sometime. Anyway, I love what you did here.

  4. Brilliant in every sense.

  5. A really striking composition, Laura! Really well painted (color me jealous!)!!

  6. How beautiful Laura!
    Love the colour and subject matter.

    XO Barbara

  7. beautiful Laura, I like the colors, Diana

  8. I like this painting also. You do water so beautifully, and consistently keep your treatment fresh.

  9. You are very talented. What are your favorite books for learning watercolor technique? I'd love to take classes but don't have the time with 4 kids and a full time job as a graphic designer... :)

  10. great composition and i love all of the colors in the bouy. the peaches are fantastic!

  11. Hello there!

    I just stumbled across your blog from Kate's Corner and i didn't want to leave without at least saying hi! I just love your water colors. I use colored pencils and keep threatening to pick up a paintbrush but find it so intimidating. LOL. Please do stop by for a visit! deb

  12. Beautiful, as always, Laura! Did you see Marge C. this summer? She's not teaching the Sept. class. The hotel said she was having health problems.

  13. laura love this .. the palette is fantastic


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