Monday, August 19, 2024


My friend Gina and I will be going to ME for a week in mid September, and we hope to make the most of it and paint every day.
So, to get tuned up, from now till we leave twice a week we're going out in the a.m. for 1 to 1.5 hours, close to home, to practice looking and sketching, just to see what we can do.
This morning was day one and we got lucky: beautiful morning with phenomenal skies and lots of birds: terns, skimmers, sanderlings, black back gulls, ospreys, and a bald eagle.
I was planning to just draw but felt I needed to add color. I was painting in my Moleskine sketchbook, which is limiting on a way I can deal with, using a waterbrush-- maybe I need to try again but I'm not keen on the waterbrush.

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