Saturday, August 17, 2024


Columbus Day weekend for the past two years I've been participating, with my friend Gina, in an artists' studio tour. It's a great--my only!--opportunity to sell some paintings, and a lot of nice people offer you a lot of encouragement. Which makes up for having to be on hand 10-6 for two days!
In addition to my usual offerings, this year I have a lot of sloppy oceanscapes I may put in a bargain bin. After some touching up or cropping ...


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    These are going to sell - they are lovely and full of energy!

  2. Sorry, wasn’t signed in - not Anonymous! Ha ha. Love your seascapes and birds out of all your work but really like that you are constantly learning and adding new things into your artist toolbox.

  3. Hi Rhonda. So funny: we admire the same things in each other! Pretty cool!
    Was just sorting through some older paintings which now look so stiff to me!


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