Tuesday, June 04, 2024


My first gouache. Pretty disastrous! This is an abandoned lighthouse in the Delaware Bay and I obviously drew it badly, so, that doesn't help.
Gouache doesn't do any of the things I like about watercolor but I keep seeing a lot of artists on the Internet using gouache as a sketching medium. And it's hard for me to wrap my head around opacity! These colors were applied too thinly I think: it looks weak, muddy.
I'm not sure if sketching in gouache can be helpful to my watercolors but I'll try playing around with them a little.


RH Carpenter said...

I’ve felt the same way about gouache - it is not watercolor and you want to apply it thicker but there are some good things about it and I now have a set of colors of gouache paints. Practice a bit but be warned - you have to stop thinking like a watercolor artist when you paint in gouache. Get a little book of beginner techniques and try it - I have seen some gorgeous gouache sketches on site and thought it would work well like a sketching medium, too. Sometimes, I just get bored or stuck and try something different and gouache has been something to try.

RH Carpenter said...

Lena Rivo has some good gouache vids on YouTube.

René PleinAir said...

Did you ever painted with oils?

I could be difficult painting with gouache but it doesnt show in the painting.
It joyfull bright and gives me an happy feeling, ...

Who care's ?
Enjoy the journey !!

laura said...

Yes, I've seen a lot of beautiful work in gouache too. That's a great idea: I need to study how gouache works!

laura said...

Thanks Rhonda!

laura said...

Ha! Thank you, Rene! That's also good advice!
I started as an oil painter but could never get comfortable with it.

laura said...
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