Tuesday, June 18, 2024

laughing gulls

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More testing of an old block of paper: Fabriano Artistic 140lb CP.
Wanted to paint the laughing gulls i've seen sitting on their nests in the back bays. How precarious their nests seem at high tide.
Nests are hard for me: I'm not a good negative painter ... So I take a more chaotic approach!
I was a little careless, I think, in both my drawing and my first wash. But I'll definitely be trying these again.
in my little sketchbook, watercolor and Tombow pens, the baby bunny living in my yard. Gives me such pleasure to see him or her. My mother was very fond of rabbits--a Druid familiar--and, aside from their own inherent beauty, they remind me of her.


  1. Love these gulls! Perfect combo on detail and loose brushwork. The reflections are a beautiful bonus. Lu and I watch the bunnies we stumble across on our walks. Sometimes we manage to get quite close, luckily Lu is chilled and has zero prey drive and has never ran off to chase, she just observes and moves on. It must be lovely to see them in the garden.

  2. I really am fond of "my" bunny, though my neighbor recently complained he-- or some other bunny!-- has been setting in her vegetable garden.My answer to which is: Everyone's got to eat!
    It's really magical if the tides and other conditions are right and we can kayak through the back bays where the laughing gulls nest. There are so many! It's wonderful to see. Definitely want to return to this subject.
    Must be grand to have Lu as a companion on your rambles!


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