Thursday, June 27, 2024

10 minutes

This is a great idea that I'm borrowing from Celia Blanco. Look her up on Instagram!
I've been following Celia for idk how long! I love her subject matter--which tends to be the things around her in her life, and, since she lives in Rome, that's pretty good!--and her way of painting: strong and free.
She paints for 10 minutes every morning. 
I chose a Moleskine watercolor sketchbook, and started this morning.
Thanks, Celia!


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    A smart habit, thanks Laura & Celia!

  2. I hope to keep it up. Day 3 now. I feel like it could also help me be less attached to results, something I always strive for

  3. This is lovely! I think we tend to forget how interesting our own everyday is to other people. I note the differences and similarities between where we both live and what catches our eye. I love seeing the sand duney paths that you paint to the beach. You always capture the beautiful shadows and the rock patterns and textures so perfectly. The beach very local to me doesn't really have that, I have to go a bit further and when I do I sometimes feel I am looking with your eyes. It is surprising what can be done in ten minutes.

  4. Thank you, Lisa, that's a great observation. The particularity of where we are is a great subject for art!


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