Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Three small, about 1/8 sheet, Scotland paintings I've done this past week.
Top: Point of Sleat beach. A 4.5km hike gets you to the southernmost point of Skye, and a gorgeous beach with crystal clear turquoise water. Was really wishing I had my suit. Or could strip naked as all the little kids did.
Above: A big old house on the shore at Knoydart. From our first day, in Inverness, I was taken with the chimney pots. Lots of chimney pot painting to come!
Below: Another beautiful Scottish beach outside Mallaig, Camusdarach Beach. There were some tall rocky hills/ cliffs, from which to get great photos. Also wildflowers and limpet shells galore. And a field with sheep and lambs nearby.


RH Carpenter said...

These are wonderful! I am so glad you found such inspiration and look forward to more! Love your color choices and what caught your eye enough to draw and paint it to save…just think of the days when you look at them again and bring back all those memories!

laura said...

Thank you, Rhonda. I really did find Scotland absolutely beautiful: a paintable scene at every turn!