Thursday, June 22, 2023

step two


Painted with a limited palette of blues and oranges.
The photo below is where I first stopped. Decided to darken the value of the house and grass and to add more pure color.
I went back into my washes too many times, but I think this will be helpful next time I try to paint this subject.


  1. Love it !!

    I wonder if you ever saw work of Edward Wesson?
    He make drawings with a little burned matshstick and watercoloured over it.

    You should look him up, ... cause the drawing you made would be such a contribute to this work.

  2. Thank you for the recommendation. I am not familiar with his work but will definitely look him up!

  3. So lovely - great composition as well chosen palette.

  4. Thank you, Debbie. Another task I've set for myself: try to be deliberate about color choices. It's daunting because I'm not very confident about it. But maybe the confidence will come!


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