Saturday, January 29, 2022

drawing birds with john muir laws

Another class I took recently was a onetime session offered through the San Francisco Breeding Bird Observatory: John Muir Laws on how to draw a plover, a tern, and a white-capped sparrow. The session was free but they ask for a donation, and I think you'll agree if you watch the video that their work is most worthy of support! You can watch it on youtube:


  1. I love his teaching style and he really knows his birds. I’ve taken a few online lessons from him that were offered through the California Audubon Society - and they are always free but a donation to John’s work is always a must because he gives so much freely! Would love to get out in the field with him for an extensive lesson (or 5 or 6)!

  2. those are great looking birbs 😀

  3. thank you both. it was really fun!


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