Thursday, July 08, 2021

south jersey street


Took a photo of this street this spring on an outing with my friend Gina.
I just started a Zoom class on perspective for artist with Carolyn Lord (!), and thought I'd try this as a warmup.
Grabbed a piece of hot press that was on my table, did the drawing, then started painting ... and discovered, as happens too often to me, that the sizing on the paper was shot: so no moving the paint around or mingling colors.
Decided to keep on and just paint shapes: simply, and once.
Up close you can see the defect in the paper, but overall I like the effect, which reminds me of the well-known Cape May watercolorist Alice Steer Wilson's approach.


  1. You definitely got the perspective, including the fore shortening. Very nice.

  2. Thank you, Meera and Mike!


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