Tuesday, July 13, 2021

plein air: cape may


I worked on these simultaneously ... and each has things I like and things I don't like.
The top one is further along, though I'm not sure either one is finished.
But I don't think I'll finish either one: in both cases I'm not happy with the boat's cast shadow, which looks like a blob!
The sun was behind the stern, casting a shadow just like the one in the paintings ... But "that's how it was" is no excuse.


  1. I knew when I saw this in Angela’s video today that it was your painting!! I love the top one where the beach cuts in more and I don’t mind the shadows at all on either one! I did a little funky free-form painting like she did today (I like to try to follow along with what she’s doing although I use my own colors, just to see what comes out - never looks like her’s do!).
    How are you liking the course?

  2. Oh, I missed the video today, but now I'll have to watch it.
    I like her classes--her approach is very freeing, I feel. And I like to paint along too. Haven't had much time to do the lessons of late, but want to get back on it before my 3 month membership expires!

  3. I like the top one a LOT! the shadow is perfect.

  4. Thank you, Rachel!


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