Friday, June 25, 2021

landscape class


A scene from Gros Morne provincial park in Newfoundland, home to some of the oldest rocks on the planet--which was news to me. The reference photo was taken by the teacher, Bill Rogers.
Up until I was about 14 I wanted to be a geologist and was a rockhound. I still pick up rocks everywhere I go.
Gros Morne is now on my bucket list.
I struggled with this subject a bit and I was really surprised when I photographed it and saw the lack of variation in the greens! I thought I was varying them, using 4 or 5 colors. I think I may have been painting to fast, without stopping to assess what I was doing.
Putting this in the "try again" pile.

I was looking through my pile of paintings for a couple to submit to a virtual art show and came across a few paintings I saved from my very first watercolor class, at Cooper Union in NYC, circa 1996.
Here are my first two still lifes.


  1. I love this! The rocks, the water and the reflections of the rocks in the water…beautiful!

  2. Interesting to see your first attempts - and with glazing! You only need a few well-placed darks (in a cool green, maybe) to make this one pop a bit more as that green is really strong and very nice.

  3. Funny to me that I held on to these ... they are clunky but they appeal to me too, the colors, I think


  4. always wanted to to newfoundland, but never made it out that far, close tho lol

    1. I am still hoping to get there someday. To all the maritime provinces in fact!


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